22 June 2011

Yeah, I know San Diego Comic Con hasn't happened yet, but for all of us folks on the East Coast this is what we wait all year for.  The Cultyard at New York Comic Con has announced it's first...

15 June 2011

Andrew Bell has revealed 2 versions of his upcoming O-No Sashimi figure from DYZ Plastic, the regular Green version, pictured below and now this...

21 March 2011

Ok so here's the last few shows I made it too for sxsw. It was a jam packed weekend here in Austin and I am exhausted. Some fun crazy bands round up the end of this festival. Two of which proudly...

18 March 2011

Tonight was Datapop at the Highball, one of my favorite places in Austin. If you've never been to the Highball, imagine a Lebowski style bowling alley...

14 March 2011

Tonight I was lucky enough to see the U.S. Premier of the film Paul. If your as big a fan as I am of Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz then you'll be in love with this movie.



13 March 2011


What's better than watching super hot Austin girls do a burlesque show? NOTHING! Unless of course you add steampunk themes to that. I mean, fuck, it doesnt get better than that. If I...
11 March 2011

For the next week Clutter will be live from SXSW 2011 keeping you regularly updated with news from the event. Check back later for more!

30 March 2010

Los Angeles’ Corey Helford Gallery has collaborated with Bristol’s City Museum & Art Gallery – the...

21 June 2011

The DTA's Nominations are now closed!!! A huge thank you to everyone who got involved and submitted their favorite artists and toys for consideration. All nominations will be verified and...

22 March 2011

Rockstar vinyl artist FERG was selling some prints at Flatstock and obliged me with a short but sweet interview. I have a ton more questions I'm yearning to ask him but perhaps that's for another...

20 March 2011

I had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Brian Ewing, who was appearing at the SXSW Flatstock show the last few days. Brian was just amazingly great to talk to and really seemed like the coolest,...

16 March 2011

Another Awesome night of Comedy tongiht! Five awesome comedians, a theramin, a disappointed front row, and a suprise set rounded out the night at Esther's Follies on 6th. First I'll tell you who...

13 March 2011

Tonight I ended up at the comdey showcase for Comedy Death Ray at Esther's Follies in downtown Austin off 6th. If you've never heard of Comedy Death...

13 March 2011

So one of my first events was the opening of the Playstation Lounge. The building across the street from the conference center was overtaken by sony and transformed into a techno playstation mecha...

06 July 2010

Another SDCC Shawnimals exclusive this time based around the best-selling iPhone/iPad game "Trees of Doom!". Featuring two familair Ninjatown characters, Anti Ninja and Wee Devil, this time in a...

30 July 2009
17 June 2011

Kathie Olivas posted this picture up on her Flickr page of Brandt Peters...

21 March 2011

Another amazing artist I talked with at Flatstock was local Austinite, Tim Doyle. Tim has a great eye for design and a good sense of humor. He was extremly informative and just felt like one of...

18 March 2011

Music is in full swing now! Tonight was a whirlwind of good music and St. Patricks day antics!

I started the night off with a huge party at Auditorium Shores In Austin with some live but...

15 March 2011

Tonight was the live taping of a new Nerdist Podcast! if your unfamiliar with the Nerdist then you are missing out on some geeked out hilarity....

13 March 2011

Today I attended the live podcast of "Let's do this!" by Korey and Co-host of the great movie review website Spill.com, and it was hilarity covered in awesome....

13 March 2011

The madness begins for sxsw as the entirety of downtown Austin is turned into a massive festival. The Festival is broken into three parts and the interactive section is going to start things off....

30 March 2010

Today the Joy of Toy heads to the land of the rising sun. Pete Fowler, Tokyoplastic, Sichi and Clutters very own Geoff head to Japan to face off against some of Japans leading character artists...

23 July 2009


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leftClutter is a FREE monthly print publication covering all things Designer Toy and Sub-Culture art. Founded in 2004 in the good old United Kingdom, Clutter moved to NYC in 2009 where it continues to grow. Pick up a copy here.

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