13 September 2007

Just a quick post to say that issue 11 is now available for pre-order! It will be back with us on the 18th of September so we hope to have all order out by the end of next week!!


05 September 2007

We are very very proud to announce that the cover artwork for issue 11 has been created by non other than Mr Ashley Wood. We are huge fans of Ash's work and are very pleased that he agreed to take...

18 July 2007
Booo Ellebarto seems to have had an accident whilst on tour in the far east... He has had to have major surgery on one ear!! I hope he pulls through!! I'll keep you posted!!
05 July 2007

Ch ch ch ch ch ch check it out... Raymond kindly sent us these pictures of the Simpson Qee world tour. Just incase you can't spot ours on the top one here is a close up!!


20 June 2007

Call this your Clutter confessionals!! Here is your chance to air your guilty toy secrets. We need all your stories about toys; the lengths you have gone to to get that one in demand piece; the...

09 May 2007
Ok so we are used to getting copies back from the printers that are not useable, cropped badly or damaged in transit, but these made us smile. There seem to be two copies where the cover...
01 May 2007

Kozik does guitar picks. Seems only fair that the godfather of the Gig poster did something like this. We just got em in stock at the Clutter Shop so get em now before they disappear. We're only...

26 April 2007

Check out the fun Hicalorie had yesterday with their Cabello Photo shoot. Giant Cabello certainly enjoyed having hot women climbing on him, and he is now said to be very tired and happy.

13 September 2007

Yesterday was a good day to be at the Clutter office!! We had our consignment of goodies arrive from the wonderful people over at Play Imaginative. In total there were 10 boxes on the UPS van and...

04 September 2007

Just wanted to give a big shout out to all the people who turned up in Frome to celebrate the opening of Ryans new store! We had an ace time and the shop is amazing, so please all go and visit!...

11 July 2007

Big shout out to out friends over at Wheaty Wheat studios for sending us a lovely package of mellows, cleabus and Jack Rabbits!!! Yey!! Thanks guys!!

Liquorice is my fav...

27 June 2007

Ok so geoff has beaten us too this.. ...and we haven't used tooo much photoshop like the other guys, but points for guessing who's who....

22 May 2007

Our Cabello is now available to pre-order from our website http://www.cluttermagazine.com/shop/toy_cabp.html. He is limited to just...

06 May 2007

Clutter issue 10 is now available for pre-order. It will ship on wednesday the 9th of May. Pre-order your copy from http://cluttermagazine....

30 April 2007

Here is the cover for the next issue of Clutter. It turned out to be a close vote between design number 2 and 5. We are very pleased with the selection, it rocks. Thanks to everyone that voted!!...

02 April 2007

After months of planning we can finally reveal to the world our sexy pink Cabello colour way. He is limited to 100 and will be unleashed on the world very soon...

13 September 2007

Here is a sneaky peak at our article for the latest Computer arts projects magazine. It also contains articles on Tado, Pete Fowler, TTF and loads more. Worth a read. However the Tado toy doesn't...

24 August 2007

Due to hit the stands on the 13th of September is the brand spanking new issue of Computer Arts Projects. This issue is dedicate to Vinyl toys and sports a shiny cover designed by none other than...

11 July 2007

Well obviously not like that crap one i took on my phone of my desk….. but truly we need Photos of your toy collections. If you have a particularly amazing collection and want to share it with...


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leftClutter is a FREE monthly print publication covering all things Designer Toy and Sub-Culture art. Founded in 2004 in the good old United Kingdom, Clutter moved to NYC in 2009 where it continues to grow. Pick up a copy here.

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