08 September 2016

One of the most anticipated blindbox series of the summer is finally here. Android Series 6 is now available for purchase as individual blindboxes or full cases of 16 figures. Each case includes...

30 August 2016

Ready to add some Android goodness to your enamel pin collection? Going from vinyl mini-figures to flat mental and enamel, 10 Android pins use flattened versions of the toy designs by Andrew Bell...

22 August 2016

The singularity is nigh: Android Series 6 will drop by the end of the month. If you want to be assured of a full case - or even just a few blindboxes -...

19 August 2016

Android Series 6 is all killer, no filler. The latest reveal comes from Igor Ventura, the Brazilian toy designer with plenty of awesome customizations and production toys to his name. He's...

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