Posted by Trustpigs May 20, 2012

Revealed today over on the SpankyStokes blog, the trading card series focused on Contemporary Art and Artists — The Art Hustle — will be returning this year for it's third incarnation. Printed by Sidekick Labs using traditional methods on chipboard, like the baseball cards of our youth, these amazing pieces are even packaged in wax paper packaging. So who will be included in Series 3?

The list is comprised of: Aiko, Tatsuhiko Akashi of MediCom, Angry Woebots, Apak!, Arek, Glenn Barr, Gary Baseman, Big Kev's Geek Stuff, Dan Bina, Brandon Bird, Blobpus, Jeremy Brautman, Christian Breitkreutz, Jon Burgerman, Bonnie Burton, Mori Chack, Chino (of Painful Thoughts Tattoos?), Drew Christie, Tim Conlon, Cookies-N-Cream, Dave Cooper, Cope2, Molly Crabapple, Cycle, Defer, Michael Delahaut, Jesse Destasio, Eric Nocella Diaz, Dirty Donny, Chris Dyer, Tristan Eaton, Eboy, Eine, Michael Fleming, Jason Freeny, Emilio Garcia, Roger Gastman, Nicholas Gazin, Todd Goldman, Dave Gonzales, Rocky Grimes, Gris Grimly, Joe Hahn, Hariken, Haze XXL, David Healey, Oliver HibertJ★RYU + babyvtec, Matt JOnes, Eric Joyner, Jon-Paul Kaiser, Keithing, Ket, Jeremiah Ketner, Chip Kidd, Kill!, King157, KMNDZ, Lindsey Kuhn, Peter Kuper, Patrick Lam of Munky King, Jeff Lamm, Simone Legno, Lev of Toy Tokyo, Jonathan Levine, Anthony Lister, Lola, Jim Mahfood, Randy Martinez, MCA (Evil Design), Elizabeth McGrath, Metal Man ED, Brandi Milne, Mishka NYC, Junko Mizuno, Brendan Monroe, Motorbot, Mr. Den, Mark Nagata, Kymia Nawabi, Caleb Neelon, Niagara, Jared Nickerson, Mackie Osborne, OsirisOrion, Matt Panuska, Ritzy Periwinkle, Lou Pimentel, Rob Reger, Risk, Johnny Ryan, Sergey Safonov, Dave Savage, Screaming Sky Gallery, Jason Siu, SKWAK, Winston Smith, SMK, Steve Talkowski, Ken Tanaka, Gary Taxali, Tenacious Toys, Thinkspace Gallery, Van Arno, Denise Vasquez, VISEone, Voltaire, Scott Wilkowski, The Witnes AWR, and Chet Zar. (Please note: We attempted to ensure that all links lead to the correct artist's website, but we can't guarantee that all are accurate.)


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