Posted by Miranda April 17, 2007

I have been thinking recently about attendance at UK shows. I am always hearing ‘oh no one ever comes to the UK and puts on shows’, ‘why aren’t there more shows here?’, but when there are shows here do half the people who moan about it turn up? And I am sorry to say that generally not.

Come on we live in a small country and it’s usually easy to find a reasonably cheap way of travelling around. I understand that it’s not always easy to drop everything at short notice but it can be done. A case in point is the Dalek show that was hosted by Richard Goodall Gallery in Manchester back in March last year. They had a 20” dunny release, and the man himself, but yet half the people who moan never got their asses in gear and made the trip, it was a pitiful turn out. If we were in the states it would have been swamped. In fact the Goodall gallery still have the 20” Dunnys in stock, do you think that would be the case anywhere else? Are there not 100 people in the UK that want to support the scene? Do we have to have all events in London to even get people out of bed? What the hell happens to all you forum moaners?

People are getting better but I think that most people just don’t understand how difficult and how expensive it is to organise these events. Take the Munny Shot, Possibly one of the biggest custom shows to hit the UK (apart from Am4040), a really great event and a fun day with lots of artists and Customs. A lot of people did turn up, but I know that there must have been loads that didn’t.. oh Bristol is just soo far away. And those that did turn up just ended slating Ryan and iksentrik . I know that it wasn’t the most highly organised event and Ryan will be first to admit that next time he will display the toys differently, but he had spent over a year organising the event and no one praised him for his hard work. I would like to see one of the people who moaned try to do better, and see just how much debt they end up in trying to do it.

I know that the ‘scene’ in the UK is much smaller than in the USA in particular, and most people don’t want to spend money (a point I will come back to another time) but if you don’t all get behind the scene at these events then it will disappear and no one will come over again, or bother to organise anything.

So next time there is an event, put yourselves out a little and show your face. Your support will be appreciated by everyone involved…. and lets have a beer!!


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