Posted by Geoff June 15, 2008

So July's KR releases...including some but not all of the SDCC exclusives....are up. First things first. Just how damn busy is Touma??!!! Aside from his stuff with PI - little trickers, KBs, Skuttles etc and now we've got a 20" Dunny and another mini-series!

The Dunny's not bad...close to his smaller design but minus the glittery paint job. Seems like a wasted opportunity to do something better. The 12 "Evil Skaters" are more interesting. Supposedly former skaters they've gone off the rails and become twisted. Would have preferred to see some decks in there too though like through their heads or something. The pink one up front looks kinda like a cartoon version of the Motorhead logo though! Mr Touma will also be at SDCC for a signing on July 25.

SDCC Exclusive Tokidoki 8" Dunny...well this has been a while coming and much anticipated. This Pizza loving character has a Moofia face and Adios plus scooter on the back. Simone will be signing this 8-inch from 11-2pm at SDCC on July 27. It's bound to be huge success with both Toki fans and Dunny collectors all after this....personally I think the Qees are far better designs, this just seems a little too "place the core Toki design elements and the move them into a position that fits". The blue face/white body also jars....expected a lot more than this TBH.

Kozik's "Bob the Slug" is a 5" piece combining two Series 1 Monger figures into a larger piece due for release mid-July. Lots of detailing on this but i'm not convinced the two figures combined really work like this. A larger version of either would have been more welcome IMO but there's a whole lot of smorkin' going on here!


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