Today has been a good day, the sun is still shining (well off and on), I have been to look at mobile phones and decided that an iphone is the way to go (even if the camera is rubbish aToday has been a good day, the sun is still shining (well off and on), I have been to look at mobile phones and decided that an iphone is the way to go (even if the camera is rubbish and I have to wait to 11th of July), AND we received a parcel from our new friend Mr Michael Motorcycle. Yey!!
As a thanks for helping run his gallery space at ATP, Michael was kind enough to send us some of his posters!! I was jumping around when i saw this one... and the fact that it is signed to the mag makes it that bit more special.
So thank you Michael we love your work and you even more for being so generous!
Pictures of the other awesome posters Michael sent us are on our flickr page
Micheal Motorcycle
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