Posted by Geoff July 24, 2008
...hmmm kinda screwed this up by having an "ugly" post before. Damn. Anyhow the annual trawl of websites looking at SDCC previews and releases is in full swing and so far i've been pleasently surprised by some of the incoming vinyl. The biggest of these was on the ToyTokyo stand where they showed two variants on Brian Taylor's vinyl figure. Loving the retro vibe on this...lets pray it actually gets made unlike a lot of his other stuff that seems to have been caught up in development hell. Dog Gone anyone?
And now the "meh"...and it pains me to say it, but it's the mini King Ken series. I couldn't put 'bad' really. Now this is a crappy pic from Flickr but this mini Ken's proportions and crucially his mouth aren't doing it for me. Maybe it will grow on me but right now i'm not really seeing these in my collection. There's also an all Gold SDCC exclusive, surprise surprise, already seen on eBay! What we need is a big version of that blue one.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - 12:36pmCheck out this awesome new commercial from Toy Tokyo! Love it!