So I have been a bit slacking in posting the things we have been sent on here. Its my bad, things have just been a bit of a nightmare recently, but now I'm back on the ball.So I have been a bit slacking in posting the things we have been sent on here. Its my bad, things have just been a bit of a nightmare recently, but now I'm back on the ball. So here we are with the cool things the mail man has delivered to us!
First up with have Tricycle of Terror from Stolle Art. She is a beautify casted figure, the QC is top notch. Limited to 450 I think the figure will sell out pretty soon. Check out stolleart.com for more information and stockists.Next up is the Stifles, by buro destruct. They are part of a series and apparently like to sit in public places and watch people.. well don't we all! They are certainly cute and make you smile. Standing at 2" high, they remind me of that nodding figure.. (which i can't remember what its called.. any ideas?? It had a fishing rod? I know its bigger than 2" but looks wise....). Anyway I like these.. mainly because there is a pink one! Bet you never saw that coming!
Last but not least, our friends over at Mimoco sent us some new mimibots, SW and Baseman. I opted for the baseman one, I think its pretty, I would have gone for the Ewok, but its just a demonstration shell, so baseman it is. Mimoco continue to rock it.. and I have noticed prices coming down for them, making them more more accessible.
Thanks Guys!
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