Ah the book i've been waiting for! The 'kaiju' world is a fairly new one to me - really only the last 2-3 years that i've really discovered the artists working there and the amazing scuplting skills of the guys are RxH, Gargamel and Secret Base.
'An Encyclopedia of Kaiju', a new overview of contemporary Japanese vinyl toys assembled by Hyper Hobby (aka the greatest magazine, ever...bar Clutter obv) editor Kanou Ishizaka, with help from Super7 owner Brian Flynn. Super7 is handling the US distro...no word on Europe/UK although you'd expect Artoyz to get some copies. Each book comes with mail-in coupon for a Le Merde "Price Brothers set", by Gargamel x Super7, featuring a Gargamel Bangal Price and Super7 Mini Hollis from their Monster Family series. This is up for pre-order now and due to ship in mid-Feb.
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