Posted by Geoff April 23, 2010

Super7 is going all out in May (and probably the rest of the summer with SDCC and their anniversary all incoming) - with two new releases. First up is the IMO highly underrated "Pink Haze" Big Sal by Brant Peters coming in pearlescent clear vinyl with pink spray fade, and light blue eyes and tentacle stripes. I love Big Sal and reckon this is the strongest colour yet and being pearlescent you know it will look much better in hand than in this pic!

Big Sal is only available at Super7 and Super7 Florida.
Not to be outdone by a Monster Family piece, S7's mascot Mummy Boy is also back sporting smoke grey glitter vinyl, black spray and pink eyes/mouth that really pop. Luckily this one will also be released into the wild via S7s distro stores.


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