Posted by Devin January 13, 2011

Que hora es? Tara McPhereson has a new collab with KidRobot and swatch and while I'm sort of resistant towards "special" (high priced) Dunny sets I cant help but love the this one. Tara's work always seems to make me smile. The word is they're gonna run about 75$ a pair tho. I'm a Dunny collector which is it's own form of monetary masochism but it always hurts a little when I see a Dunny I really want at a price thats beyond my budget. I'm sure clutter readers empathize with my pain. ah first world problems. Anyway it appears swatch and KR have a whole collection of the watch/dunny sets each complimenting the other. With artists like Gary Baseman, Tara McPherson, Tilt, Joe Ledbetter, Jeremyville, SSUR, MAD and Frank Kozik which is a good lineup for the usual suspects. Lets hope that 75 rumor is just that otherwise im going to keep sporting my congo watch from 1995.



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