Posted by Nick July 08, 2011

Paul Kaiju continues to show that he is a master of creation, not just when equipped with an airbrush. The Mockbat is another example of his fine sculpting ability and includes a hinged belly that opens up to literally reveal the guts of the figure. 2 Editions are planned entitled Icarus and Heirloom. No release details just yet but i can't wait to find out the release date and price! Maybe something SDCC related!

The unpainted versions below look amazing, really showing off the sculpt to its best. I hope there is an unpainted release at some point so that other artists can do their thing on a Mockbat. As you may know unpainted figures are my current toy fad so i'm particularly loving those ones. Seems to be that self procuced resin figures are getting more and more amazing and well produced - a trend i'm looking forward to in the next year. Reasonably priced resin figures may be the future of my collection!



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