I initially found this wonderful paper creation by girliepains on NicePaperToys.com, and then followed the link to an Etsy.com page where Sad Mona and her record collection is joined by a variety of other goodies. Its a wonderful little set, capturing perfectly an emotion far too often overlooked in the world of toys. But more than a toy, this is a delicate scene that just about anyone but the cold-hearted can identify with. And just in case you have a favorite record you think Mona will appreciate, there's even a few blanks for custom record covers.
There's more of the story HERE as well as other toys, including a wonderful collection of paper vintage cameras. Unlike most of the paper that's out there, this one and the others available are for sale. I don't normally shell out for paper toys, but in Mona's case, I might make an exception.
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