Right so that's this years Xmas/Birthday present sorted already then! Gainax, creators of Neon Genesis Evangelion bring you 3 lifesize character sculpts from the iconic series! Not that they're gonna be cheap tho, so here's hoping you've got the $5000 lying around that will bag you just one of these figures!
The figures look absolutely stunning, well the sculpts of Asuka and Rei look stunning, to be honest i don't really know who the other fella is but i have a sneaking suspicion he won't sell out as quickly as his ladyfriends. Standing 160cm tall, these PVC figures retail for ¥430,000 and i would love to see the tiny appartment of some girlfriendless otaku who spent all his money on these figures, but now has Rei and Asuka either side of his bed. (cos that's what i'd do with them - LOL)
Also reminds me alot of Colin Christian's awesome sculpture work, guessing these are cheaper.
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