Check out this awesome new iPad app Paper by FiftyThree. Designed by a bunch of ex Microsoft people its essentially a digital Moleskine Notebook and i've just been having a play and its a really slick app that is worth your time to check out.
The App is free but extra pens can be purchased in app aside from the one you get to begin with, and these are essential for making your doodles extra awesome. The pen set in the UK is £5.49 and that's still about half the price of a Moleskine notebook. This app wants to be the place you go to when you have an idea that needs jotting down. It's fast and super slick with a genius method of undoing your work where you rotate 2 fingers anti clockwise to go back in time. Think i might need to purchase a stylus if i wanted to write anything in my notebooks tho.
Very inspiring for designers out there too. Check out the video below.
You can download the newly launched app from iTunes here.
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