Posted by Trustpigs April 27, 2012

Wooden toy maestro Noferin has announced the second series of his Jibibuts figurines… and this time he's getting other artists involved in the design process. Jibibuts: Artist Collection is a set of 12 blind boxed 2.5" to 3.5" wood toys, though it is guaranteed to only get one of each if you buy a full case. There is no exact release date yet, though Noferin teases that it will be "soon, soon." As for pricing, while there remains no official announcement, we're anticipating a cost point in line with the first series: that is to say, around $8.99 each.

But now what you've really been waiting for: who are the artists that Noferin has enlisted to design these figures? Bubi Au YeungMartin HsuSquinkPeskimoBuff MonsterAnna ChambersTadoAndrea KangLeo Hillier64 ColorsNathan Jurevicius, and — of course — Jibibuts creator Noferin.

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