Posted by Nick April 11, 2012

Ok the other film to be excited about this year (aside from the Avengers) is Ridley Scott's is it, or isn't it prequel to Alien: Prometheus.

Right so i'm not exactly an Alien expert but what i can tell you is that this story it set before the goings on in Alien and tells the story of the exploration ship Prometheus. Prometheus is heading on an expedition to this planet after archeologists find artefacts from all over the place carrying the same message, an apparent invitation to visit this planet.

On the planet they find what almost looks like a burial mound, inside is a massive human head at the front of a room of pods (not eggs - but similar lookin). Also we see the Space Jockey (from Alien) and the ship from Alien. Ridley Scott has continued to throw confusion on whether this is an Alien prequel or not, all signs point to yes but today he threw more confusion into the debate.

Prometheus main story is set in 2093 (original date for Alien is not mentioned in the film but the original screenplay notes 2087). The planet they are visiting is said to be LV-223, not 426 as is in Alien and Aliens. The year issue can be cleaned up as the year is never mentioned in the original movie, but the presence of the space jockey and the ship discovered in Alien confuses matters. Is this all happening again, somewhere else?

ok so if you need a lil help with what the hell is going on then check out this Reqind Theatre from IGN.

Prometheus is a character from greek mythology, a Titan who stole fire from the gods, which in turn accelerated the evolution of man - does this give us a clue into potential plot points? Prometheus was then tortured for the rest of eternity having his liver eaten out of him by an eagle over and over - i don't think that happens in the movie tho. lol

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