Holy crap this looks awesome! Everyone knows that the Wu-Tang Clan are massive fans of martial arts movies and RZA in particular is insanely knowledgable on the subject, and he is living the dream having directed, starred in and co-written 'The Man with the Iron Fists'.
I think my favorite word in the last 4 months has been 'badass' and this movie looks to typify that word. Star studded, mystical with superb special effects, sets and locations - this is ticking all the boxes so far. (but then again, so did Sucker Punch, and we all remember how that turned out.) RZA has taken charge of the soundtrack too and the movie will feature new music from The Black Keys, Kanye West, RZA, Wiz Khalifa and of course The Wu-Tang Clan.
Starring Russell Crowe, Cung Le, Lucy Liu (swoon!), Byron Mann, RZA, Rick Yune, David Bautista (the WWE wrestler), Jamie Chung.
Due to punch cinemas in the face this October! Can't freaking wait!
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