Posted by specialK July 24, 2012

These shirts are so gross. I'm gagging as I type this. Japanese artist Yuko Sekine created these t-shirts with huge detailed pictures of meat on them . These have some crazy names, for example, "Pig Leg" "Raw Ham" and my personal favorite, "Minced Fit".

You can see the cold pig fat in "Minced Fit" pictured below.

Next up is one of the more popular dried pig meat, "Salami".

Do I have to introduce you to this classic? Well, for you Canadians out there this one is called "Bacon" 

Ah, Yuko shows what a real foodie he is with "Pepper Smoked Ham". 

"Pig Leg"

"Raw Ham"  EW. Ew! In my mind I picture that ham sticking to wall. Like, if you threw that against the wall it would just hang there for a few seconds before the fat couldn't hold the weight of it anymore. The meat would fold over & it would slide onto the floor. 

I am not a vegetarian, but I'm about to go that way. The name of Yuko Sekine's T-shirt collection is "Meat Market" and it's available through the Japanese site Tea Party . 


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