Posted by Trustpigs August 01, 2012

As we'd previously announced, The Super Sucklord is dominating Designer Con 2012 with a variety of events… including "The Super Suck Up!," a tribute in the form of customized Sucklord action figures; each artist participating will produce 50 copies of their design that'll sell for $100 each. We've been treated to sneak peaks at Frank Kozik's contribution to the event, which our friends at Trampt inform us is entitled "Kronopus the Lord Hentai." The figure looks like an supervillainous Cthulhu, as if Lovecraft himself had been resurrected to craft a Marvel Comics title in the '70s.

Participating artists in the show are (links go to our coverage of their contribution, if available): Bill McMullen, Buff Monster, DrilOneDoktor A, Ferg, Frank KozikJason Freeny, L'amour Supreme, Luke Chueh, October Toys, Onell Design, Paul Kaiju, Scott Tolleson, Scott Wilkowski, Skinner and — of course — one by The Sucklord himself.


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