Posted by Erica September 13, 2012

For the past ten years Martina and Frank Russo, owners of MF Gallery, have been collecting the spookiest Halloween-themed artwork for their annual Halloween Art Show. The MF Halloween Shows have come to be one of the best places to view and purchase Halloween-inspired artwork, and the Costumed Opening Parties are an awesome way to kick off the Halloween Season.

This year marks the 10th Anniversary of this spooky event, so MF Gallery has made it their goal to make this Halloween Art Show better than ever before! Many of the artists who have been showing with MF Gallery for the past ten years — Lisa Petrucci, Michael Mararian, Ciou, Dave Brockie, Nicoz Balboa, Stephen Blickenstaff, Angie Mason, Drew Maillard, Joe Simko, Martina & Frank Russo — will be exhibiting work in this special event. Other artists in the show include: Eric Richardson, Moses Jaen, Johanna O’Donnell, PJ McQuade, Ksenja Laginja, Mal Ojo, Greg Maillard and more… On top of all of that, the entranceway to the gallery will be transformed into a Haunted Spookhouse installation by Kathleen Hayes, Frank Russo and Joanna Mulder!

Costumes are strongly encouraged at the Halloween Opening Party on Saturday, October 13th from 7 to 10pm and, those wearing one, will be rewarded with free beer and candy. Many of the artists will be attending… see if you can spot them in their Halloween costumes!

Drew Maillard will be raffling off his Halloween art piece, so one lucky winner will be able to get it for the mere price of a raffle ticket! Admission is Free and open to all ages.

MF Gallery's 10 Annual Halloween Art Show

Saturday October 13th, from 7 to 10pm

213 Bond St.

Brooklyn NY



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