Posted by specialK October 30, 2012

Next month, London's Scream Gallery will launch a new exhibit from American artist Greg Miller. The exhibit, titled "Four Corners", will open November 29th and continue through January 5th 2013.

Miller's art is a combination of paint and collage and the pieces communicate a bit of American cultural history. "In the 50s I would drive with my dad from Northern California through the San Joaquin Valley," says Miller. "We would drive along the old Highway 99. The old billboards along the way were all ripped and torn. They were old. There was nothing fresh about them. When I would see these posters I would get a sense of history and time. I could see that we're kind of visitors because we're not of that time necessarily but I'm recording it and I'm painting it." 

"Four Corners" will be on exhibit at London's Scream Gallery from November 29th through January 5th. 



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