Posted by Miranda October 10, 2012
Ron English Mini Interview

Here's another fast mini interview, with artist/popagandist RON ENGLISH - a few questions about what's up with Ron at the show this week. Enjoy! 

In addition to signing at the Clutter booth, Ron will be releasing a new toy and signing at Dudebox all weekend. Here's his take on the weekend's events:

CLUTTER: HI Ron! What are you doing at comic con?

RON ENGLISH: Signing, Drawing and having fun!

CLUTTER: What are you looking forward to for the weekend?

RE: The Designer Toy Awards, the Oscars of Toy Art.

CLUTTER: Can you tell us a bit about your King Monster Dude, with Dudebox?

RE: The platform looks like an egg, so I made it about the birth of my character Poultry Rex. Certain scientists have determined that the T Rex never went extinct but instead evolved into the modern day chicken. So what does a dinosaur taste like? Chicken!

CLTR: Anything else you're interested in?

RE: My solo show at the Opera Gallery NYC opens November 1st.

CLUTTER: Thanks Ron, see you at the shows!


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leftClutter is a FREE monthly print publication covering all things Designer Toy and Sub-Culture art. Founded in 2004 in the good old United Kingdom, Clutter moved to NYC in 2009 where it continues to grow. Pick up a copy here.

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