Joe Ledbetter and The Loyal Subjects are getting ready to release the Minty Fresh exclusive "Spaced-Out" Chaos Bunny. There are only 100 pieces in this run and Minty Fresh will set aside just 35 pieces for online sales. "Spaced-Out" Chaos Bunny will drop Saturday, January 5th, 11PM EST. Outland Toy and Art Gallery will host a release and signing event the same time "Spaced-Out" Chaos Bunny drops online.
Here's Spaced-Out Bunny's story:
Spaced-Out Bunny has given up on society all together. He lives like a hermit, secluded deep in the ancient forest, mostly living off his herb garden and insects. He is inclined to spend most of his time conversing with himself, daydreaming, and wrestling with Super Symmetric String Theory. Highly sensitive to premonitions and omens Spaced-Out Bunny is thought to know the secrets of the universe and the fate of the planet, but he's far too burnt-out and forgetful to share his vital knowledge.
Photos via Vinyl Pulse.
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