My old friend Ellis lives in Austin, Texas and I'd say he's a little jaded about the SXSW festival at this point. That's why I was so suprised to find out that he willingly spent three hours in line - in the rain - to meet none other than the Grumpy Cat herself, Tard. This Tarded event was organized by on-line everything site Mashable and it took place in a tent set up in a downtown Austin parking lot. Apparently the long, wet wait didn't bother Ellis too much; his comment below this photo read "Had to wait 90 minutes in the rain to take a picture with a sleeping cat while my cat stayed at home & tore apart my shower curtain, but it was worth it." Ellis captioned this photo of him and Tard "Clash of the Mother F@#king Titans". By the way, MEME super star Scumbag Steve was also present but Ellis said that "no one cared even a little". HA! Good things do happen in this world.
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