Posted by Nick July 08, 2013

Well... holy shit! OK so yeah, you want one.... so do I.... and unfortunately that just ain't gonna happen, cos this is the new MTV VMA "Moonman", the most coveted award in Music Video Land.

The MTV Video Music Awards takes place for the first time this year in Brooklyn, and to celebrate this (not sure why it needs celebrating at all) MTV has collaborated with Mr KAWS to give the iconic "Moonman" a bit of a makeover. Kaws has also been responsible for designing the VMA stage which is rumored to include a 60ft inflatable Kaws Moonman.

The VMA's will be broadcast from the Brooklyn Barclays Center on August 25th.

Read the full MTV press release here. Has some Grade A arty sounding bullshit about KAWS history in the artworld.






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