Posted by Erica August 21, 2013

"The Hounds of Love", a group art show to benefit Downtown Dog Rescue opening September 7th from 6-11pm at Cella Gallery in North Hollywood. Downtown Dog Rescue is an all volunteer animal charity that rescues and adopts dogs and assists underserved communities, focusing on South East Los Angeles, Watts and Compton. Nicole Bruckman and Marcos Saldana have curated over 50 artists creating dog inspired works for the show.

Participating artists include: Amanda Betz, Cory Benhatzel, Blinky, Mr. Brainwash, Nicole Bruckman, BumbleBee Loves You, Cache,Jose Carabes, Nick Carranza, L. Croskey, Cache, Cat Cult, Chase, Dame, DTOAR, EnikOne, Jeremy Enecio, Miguel Felipe, Desiree Fessler, Sam Flores, Maria Foto, Nate Frizzell, Ken Garduno, Jaime GERMS Zacarias, Jenna Gibson, Patrick Haemmerlein, Walt Hall, Sergio Hernandez, Shane Jessup, Angie Jones, Nom Kinnear King, Dave Kinsey, The London Police, Philip Lumbang, Dave Mac Dowell, Ryan Myers, Richard J Oliver, Julianna Parr, Alice Pine, Vyal Reyes, Amy Ross, Erwin Recinos, Marcos Saldaña, Heath Satow, Kenny Scharf, Michael Shields, OG Slick, Chris Stangl, Halsey Swain, Heidi Taillefer, Jackson Thilenius, Kelly Thompson, Shark Toof, Christopher Umana, Kelly Vivanco, Kari White, Robert Yancy, and Chet Zar
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