Posted by Miranda January 09, 2014

We have had a Makerbot Replicator sitting in our office for a while now. No-one has had the time to fire it up, read the instructions (which if you have no idea of 3D modeling or electrics may as well be alien) and get down and dirty with it, so it sat in the box in the back. That was until Eric aka Ficinus came to town. Since he started spending time here in the Clutter office, he has help us expand our sculpting/resin studio, building us a vacuum chamber, and pouring the toxic stuff that we can no longer be around (that requires a separate blog post all together). Over the Christmas Vacation he did his research and came back with a mission.... The Makerbot will Live... and Ficinus will be its master! 

He is going to blog his progress here on Clutter so hopefully you will find it interesting and informative :)


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