Whether you fear the beard or you respect it, you just gotta remember one thing… it's just a beard. Nothing more, nothing less; facial hair is simply facial hair. I'm sorry to have break it to everyone, but there's nothing really that special about it. Ok, ok, a beard can keep you warm in a blizzard, but that's about it. Now, if we're talking about "the BEARD" by UME Toys then ignore everything I just said because, in this case (and only in this case), beards are f***ing sweet!! "the BEARD" stands a sexy, well-groomed 3" inches tall. He is made of solid resin through-and-through and comes with a top hat to pull together his dapper appearance. "the BEARD" comes in many forms, but I can only show you the handsome Black BEARD and charming Brown BEARD. And, of course, having any one of these fine gentleman in your collection will help you pick up chicks!!!* So if you want to get one before anyone else does, be at the UME booth at ToyConUK for the official drop. If you're a little more patient, then you can wait for the release on UME Toys online store shortly thereafter. Either way, £32 plus shipping isn't that hairy for such a fancy piece.
This blog was dedicated to Josh, whose facial hair I hate (but secretly love).
* Increased prowess with the female of the species not guaranteed.
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