Posted by Trustpigs April 15, 2014

Intertwining the terribly monstrous with the utterly human, Carlos Enriquez Gonzalez has masterminded this massive 10-foot tall rendition of "Udegeruge" for the upcoming "Hacia El Plano Verde" Contemporary Art Biennial in Centro De Artes Integradas, Caracas, Venezuela. Gozalez's fiberglass installation, which will be on display as part of the exhibition opening in May 2014, appropriates the base design from the popular Japanese franchise Barom One, elevating the design to a more sympathetic level with the visually striking realistic eyeball and the incorporation of the pristinely painted fingernails. Assuredly this piece will receive a breathtaking response from those able to see it in-person, but — for most of us — we'll have to be sated by these fantastic photographs Carlos generously supplied us with.


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