Posted by Trustpigs April 10, 2014

Joining the slew of other exclusives that’ll be up for grabs at the Rampage Toys × Disarticulators's ToyConUK Booth #16, the duo are thrilled announce a special collaboration: the Pachi Gacha Machine! Packaged in a vintage vending machine inspired display created by Tru:Tek, this red box full of rubber mini-figures is overflowing with pieces from two very different series… the Cupcake Pachi In Ya Pocket (featuring 3 classic Rampage MIMP customs) and a mess of Mecha Freaks, crazy rubber ‘bots that were created during Tru:Tek's trip to Japan earlier this year.

All the figures have been cast by Tru:Tek in a variety of colors, including ToyCon inspired mint greens, magenta, and classic M.U.S.C.L.E. flesh tone. One classic red/clear gacha capsule — guaranteed to have at one figure from each series — will on cost £6, while splurging on two will be just £10! The Pachi Gacha Machine will commence vending capsules at the Rampage × Disarticulator Booth (#16) when the convention doors open this Saturday, April 12th…



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