Posted by marc October 28, 2014
jpk death shroud

JPK dips into a comic book style backstory and cyberpunk themes for his most recent custom work. This set of five Dunnys for a group called Death Shroud. JPK describes the group as "a team dedicated to learning the secrets to eternal life through surgery, implantations and cybernetic augmentation." Here's his rundown of the cast:

The Beast: A long-term study in the effects of heavy surgery coupled with a synthesized serum rumoured to be derived from Virus-Z. 
Captain Rugen: The originator of the group, hundreds of years old. He is little more than dried flesh clinging to the remains of this skeleton and yet he lingers on.
Lady Rugen: Daughter of the Captain and seemingly the perfect and subtle blend of the augmented body and an array of serums.
Madame Tiele: Captain Rugen's former lover, over decades she has gradually replaced her body with synthetic implants and organs. 
Klaus Hammerstein: Captain Rugen's brutal security enforcer, a warped mutant who is the only survivor of the Captain's short-lived obsession with the irradiation of genes. 


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