The Super Sucklord has been making resin art toys for over decade, most paying homage to the vintage figures children of the '70s and '80s grew up loving and playing with. And it is finally time for him to tackle the iconic M.U.S.C.L.E. and Monsters In My Pockets lines… again! Yes, his S.U.C.K.L.E. series is back, featuring 10 newly mini figurized renditions of classic Suckadelic characters. So who will be immortalized in the mini wrestler style this time? The series of 1.75" pieces will include Sucklord 75, Sucklord 61, Star Chump, Mary Paper$, Gay Energon, Douchebot, Crystal Pharoah, Wrecked Souls of Forgotten War, Chronos, and Bionic Carrot! All sculpted by George Gaspar/October Toys, these will be made out of solid color injection molded PVC plastic — similar to vintage keshi — and be co-produced, like the first series, by Suckadelic and DKE Toys. Currently on Kickstarter, a complete set of The Revenge of SUCKLE follow-up figures can be yours for as low as $25!
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