We're fans of "Mr Toast" around here, so it was exciting to hear that the character's creator — Dan Goodsell — had spent the last six months working on a Mr Toast Card Game, titled "irresponsibility." Evidently, while he was creating it, Hasbro began a contest to find the Next Great Game… With all the stars seemingly aligned properly, Goodsell entered what he had been working on into the contest and was chosen, from a field of 500+ entrants, as one of the five finalists!
But how will the ultimate winner be decided? Through, of all things, an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. At the end of the campaign, Hasbro will look at all five of the finalist's campaigns and factor them into their final decision for a winner. While the game is happening regardless, can you just imagine if Hasbro released it?!? So go forth, Clutter fans, and please back Goodsell's campaign.
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