You might remember ThreeA's take on Andy Warhol from December which featured young Andy reimagined by Ashley Wood, outfitted in a striped shirt, black jeans, boots, and a Brillo sweatshirt. The new version swaps the sweatshirt for Andy's signature leather jacket, and some of the interchangeable heads come with his chunky sunglasses. This variant of Andy from Tomorrow premieres at SDCC, but we're not sure what availability will look like after the con. For what it's worth, I can't find the original one for sale anywhere on the Internet. So if you're at SDCC, better safe than sorry and pick this up. And grab one for me, too, huh?
Check out more Andy Warhol here | See more 1/6th scale here
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 5:21pmI've got the 3 inch Brillo Dunny from Kidrobot's collaboration with The Andy Warhol Foundation and it's awesome. If you told me an 8 inch version was coming out, I'd tell you to give me one. And it is coming.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016 - 5:29pmOh my god, it's so big. Limited to only five pieces worldwide and standing 20 inches tall, this giant Brillo Dunny from the Andy Warhol collection is going to make a lot of pop art fans drool.
Thursday, August 11, 2016 - 3:58pmAndy Warhol may be best known for his depiction of Campbell's Soup cans, but my personal favorite is his Brillo Boxes, which are finally getting the Chuck Taylor All Star treatment.