Posted by kristina June 30, 2016

Last week myplasticheart hosted a mini-exhibit for TOOFLY NYC and I had to stop by to check it out. I've been a fan of TOOFLY's graffiti for a few years so it was nice to see her latest works. The show's called "Love Warrior" and combined TOOFLY's upbringing in New York City and her Ecuadorian heritage to feature strong and spiritual women. The mini-exhibit showed mostly prints, with a couple of customs for sale as well as apparel and totes.. TOOFLY was at the show to meet fans in a light reception. I fell in loved with the color palette used in the show as well at the strictly black and white works. If was very empowering to be surrounded by such works!

Check out parts of the show below in the gallery. You can still purchase some of the works on myplasticheart's website and TOOFLY's shop while supplies last!


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