Posted by marc June 29, 2016

Like clothes? Like Clutter? Know how to write a cohesive paragraph? You might be the guy or girl we're looking for. We need a streetwear expert to contribute to our awesome blog. You'll be responsible for finding stories that will resonate with our readers, gathering supporting graphics, and writing a paragraph or two to go along with each post. You should have at least a few years of writing experience and a handful of examples to send our way. If you're interested, put together a quick cover letter detailing your experience with streetwear and your availability, your resume, and some samples and send 'em to marc [at] clutterstudios [dot com]. Please note that this is an unpaid position but there are definitely some perks to make it worth your while.

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leftClutter is a FREE monthly print publication covering all things Designer Toy and Sub-Culture art. Founded in 2004 in the good old United Kingdom, Clutter moved to NYC in 2009 where it continues to grow. Pick up a copy here.

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