Erick Scarecrow and crew hit their Jacket and Biker figures - based on the cult retro gaming phenomenon, Hotline Miami - way out of the park. They're at it again, this time with figures based on Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. The Swan Twins keep the same 1/6 scale format as before, but this time feature sculpted clothing, as opposed to the textiles used in previous figures. Each of the twins comes with plenty of weapons and 15 points of articulation. While the early bird special deals have been picked to the bone, you can still grab the two-figure set for just $80 by contributing to the Kickstarter project. ESC-Toy has over a month to complete their funding, and they've already hit over a third of their goal, so you can place your bets that this will get funded.
Check out more Hotline Miami here | See more ESC-Toy here
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