Posted by Miranda February 13, 2018

Nominations are officially open for the 8th annual Designer Toy Awards!

Running from now until March 12th, 2018 (6pm EST), nominations can be submitted now through the website 

This year's awards will accept nominations for releases, artists, and companies, that were active from January 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2017.

So Get Nominating…

Head on over to the Designer Toy Awards website and answer our "Call For Entries" by adding those worthy from 2017, and don't forget... only nominated items can be considered for the awards. If you want your work to be considered please nominate it, nominations are confidential and there is no shame in nominating yourself or your own product! Voting for yourself... well that's a different story ;) 


NEW THIS YEAR: For 2018 we have added a brand new category... Best Production Sculpt!

This new category will recognize a singularly outstanding sculpt for a production toy. This award celebrates a sculpt that exemplifies the creative act of transforming an artists vision into a 3-dimensional object. 

• Release must be a brand new Designer Toy, or a significantly modified version of a previous release, that was debuted last year.
• Release must have been produced in quantities greater than 50 pieces.
• Release can be produced in any material

Adding this award gives the DTAs the opportunity to celebrate the craftsmanship behind the scenes, and the magic of collaboration between production house and artist. We are very excited to honor the art of the sculpt with this award.

How do the awards work?

Now in its 8th year, The Designer Toy Awards has honed its process, listening to feedback and adjusting where ever it makes sense. We haven't made any structural changes to the awards process in the past few years, but just to recap, here is how it works:

1. Open Nominations -  Call for entries is open for anyone to make a relevant nomination. We rely on these nominations for the awards. These are not published on the website.

2. Nomination Committees -  The DTAs host small committees of industry professionals and fans, carefully matched to categories in order to reduce bias, to take the list of nominations and reduce them down to become the Finalists. The committees meet and discuss every entry, using the published list of award criteria to make their selects. These are published on the website as the year's official finalists.

3. Voting - We run two voting blocks:

DTA Panel: Industry professionals make up the DTA panel. They are charged with voting ONCE per category for the winner in the panel voted awards. Each year new panel members are added to keep our list as diverse as possible.

Fan Voted: The public voters get ONE vote per category in the open Fan award. We do look at IP addresses, ISPN Hacks, and email address to reduce voter fraud. Each year we tighten up on potential attempts to "rig" the system.

4. Winners - Winners of each category are determined by the most votes in each category.  Clutter, nor The Designer Toy Awards, or Five Points Festival staff, vote in or "choose" the winners. 

5. Awards Ceremony - The awards are presented at a ceremony on June 1st, 2018, during the weekend of Five Points Festival.  For the public to attend the ceremony you must purchase a VIP Weekend ticket for Five Points Fest. 


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leftClutter is a FREE monthly print publication covering all things Designer Toy and Sub-Culture art. Founded in 2004 in the good old United Kingdom, Clutter moved to NYC in 2009 where it continues to grow. Pick up a copy here.

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