In fewer than two months, we'll be basking in the glory of NYCC. And Kidrobot are bringing multiple exclusives to the con. A metallic blue colorway of Scott Tolleson's Howie Phillips, a white...
18 August 2016
30 October 2015
Just in time for Halloween comes a Kickstarter campaign for a spooky stop-motion film, ... |
21 August 2013
Circus Posterus has just annonced exhibition "Monsters & Misfits III" in collaboration with ... |
30 August 2012
Exhibiting pieces with ghostly or spirit-laden themes, the Circus Posterus collective are bringing their unique artistic visions... |
26 June 2012
Wisconson-based artist and sculptor Scott Wilkowski's rise to recognition began with the unveiling of new process he'd developed at the 2009... |
26 April 2012
Tomenosuke is getting set to release their exclusive Troubleboy - Troubleboys no7 Drifter. We don't have an exact release date yet but it will... |
13 December 2011
Brandt Peters has unleashed some official details about âTRIGGERâ a two-person exhibition between Peters and Jamungo/Playge ringleader Clay â... |
04 May 2011
Incoming on Monday May 9th (12:00 noon Central time) is the Brandt Peters x Ferg, Trouble Boys No 10 (Hatchet). Limited to just 250 pieces, he stands at 6" tall and is priced at $85 (including... |
21 June 2016
Just a week after teasing a new colorway of Brandt Peters' Night King, Kidrobot have dropped the creepy, cartoony vinyl on their web shop. While Kidrobot did not produce the toy - that was done by... |
18 June 2015
Kidrobot returns to San Diego Comic Con this year and is bringing a bevy of artists along for the ride! Their 2015... |
12 June 2013
The artistic collective Circus Posterus is looking to expand into releasing sketchbooks of their artists and associates, but the print medium is an... |
22 August 2012
Tomenosuke-syoten and Circus Posterus are proud to announce the release of their debut sofubi vinyl figure: Brandt... |
16 June 2012
Inspired by the classic Yakuza aesthetic, Brandt Peters and Ferg's "TroubleBoys No.7 [Drifter]"... |
03 April 2012
You may recall not that long ago we discussed the upcoming... |
31 August 2011
Loving these new releases from Super7 (i say that alot it seems!) The recent Foster addition to the S7 family is a really subtly cool figure and suprisingly... |
28 February 2011
Check out this awesome new figure from Brandt Peters and Playge. Set for a March 7th release this figure is entitled TROUBLE BOYS No.23 [BIG SLEEP]. 300pcs of this figure will be available for $... |
13 June 2016
We got some good news and some bad news from Kidrobot today. Let's start with the bad news because it's not terribly bad. The brand's "Behind the Vinyl" series of product teasers and reveals used... |
02 May 2014
So it's been a long time since I last blogged and, I have to say, I'm happy to be back blogging again. Now where to begin? Ah yes, The Disarticulators and... |
12 February 2013
Tomenosuke and Circus Posterus are getting ready to drop... |
09 July 2012
Scott Wilkowski has a few tricks up his sleeve at this weekends SDCC! First up we have his interpretation of Ferg's Misfortune Cat, due for release on... |
14 May 2012
Continuing their popular TroubleBoys series, Brandt Peters & Ferg have announced "TroubleBoys No.7 [Drifter... |
22 March 2012
Nearly a year ago, on the eve of the massive Takayama Spring Festival, an exhibition opened at the Kusakabe Folk Museum in Takayama, Japan: "... |
17 June 2011
Kathie Olivas posted this picture up on her Flickr page of Brandt Peters... |
02 June 2010
A rough sculpt teaser was seen of this upcmoing collaboration Squadt but it truly didn't show how amazing this piece is going to be! Rumoured to be called the "Trouble Boys" Squadt this... |