Coarse Do Not Disturb
25 March 2016

Good news! Coarse are indeed releasing a production version of their Do Not Disturb sculpture. Better yet, we're getting two colorways. Endless Shadow uses a greyscale palette with hits of gold...

Cat shelves
29 February 2016

A lot of cat owners don't do a great job making their apartment cat-friendly. Cats are not nearly as adapted to human life as dogs are, so you have to appeal to...

26 March 2009

These cute little Go Lucy Neko Kittens will soon be ready to drop into your sticky fingers. Designed by Delme and standing at 3" tall, these figures will be arrive blind boxed, with one mystery...

18 December 2007
No that's the name not what I think of it! Coming in 08 from Jamungo we have Crappy Cat....what looks like a slightly evil cat with an eye patch wearing preppy clothes.
19 July 2007

I am Lion Cat which makes me: 70% Affectionate, 84% Excitable, and 44% Hungry

Apparently I am the good Samaritan of the lolcat world. Protecting others from danger by...

19 July 2007

You are a master of stealth. They never see you coming. But you always see them coming. HEY-O! Which cat are you ...

19 July 2007

I'd like to say that i was very confused by geoffs post, but i followed the link and turns out i am long cat.....

74% Affectionate, 40% Excitable, 33% Hungry...

19 July 2007

Go on take it. Or a cute kitten dies. I'm Sad Cookie Cat: 78 % Affection, 37 % Excitability , 60 % Hunger

"You are the classic Shakespearian tragedy of the lolcat universe. The sad story...
Coarse Do Not Disturb
18 March 2016

One of my favorite sculptures by Coarse is Do Not Disturb, which depicts a plump cat proudly presenting a dead fish to whoever gazes upon him. This was a one-off piece that was shown at different...

15 October 2009
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