The ninth installment of Medicom's Vinyl Artist Gacha series is getting contributions from both Shoko Nakazawa and Konatsu! A gachapon-sized Daioh Negora will come in various fur coats while Baby...
09 November 2016
09 September 2016
Yup, just put me down for the whole set. Shoko Nakazawa just shared a close-up of the five new colorways of her Baby Byron figure for VAG Series 8. Super vibrant pink, yellow, blue, purple, and... |
28 June 2016
INSTINCTOY have just revealed the newest series of their Mini Liquid gachapon series. Typically, these cute globs have a loop attached at the top so you can hang them from your zippers or mobile... |
13 June 2016
Cups are so utilitarian. But you can spice things up with a cup clinger, and the best cup clingers take the shape of hedgehogs. These guys have just hit stores that house gachapon machines and run... |
08 January 2016
Available now from our online store is the latest installment of Clutter Magazine, January 2016's Issue 34. On... |
08 January 2016
Wow, it's 2016 already!! We hope you had a fantastic new year! To brighten your week, we bring you the latest monthly installment of Clutter Magazine! Issue 34, or the Jan 2016 issue, has... |
05 January 2016
Medicom's fifth entry into their gachapon series, V.A.G., is now available stateside for $8.99 each. While Japanese folks get to insert some ¥100 coins, turn the crank, and see the capsule... |
14 December 2015
Get your mind out of the gutter. V.A.G. stands for Vinyl Artist Gachapon. Packaging vinyl designs into capsule toy sizes, Japanese collectors can drop a few ¥100 coins into the machine and turn... |
23 September 2016
Well, I now have $45 fewer dollars in my bank account. myplasticheart... |
22 August 2016
OK, I need all five of these. The flagship entry of Medicom's VAG (Vinyl Artist Gacha) Series 8 is an air brushed version of Shoko Nakazawa's adorable Baby Byron! Gold, blue, green, pink, and... |
20 June 2016
Heyo! We crossed our fingers to get some Baby Rangeron figures from V.A.G. Series 7 over to the West and here they are. But they're going fast!... |