My money's on "My Axedroid," mostly because Vikings are badass. Then again, "Racer-D" would have speed on his side. Eh, in the end, I guess it doesn't really matter. What does...
24 June 2014
14 March 2014
Infinite Rabbits has done another custom 7" Munny! Who for? Art Whino's... |
18 February 2014
Custom!!…… um, you're suppose to say Infinite Rabbits! Did you guys even read the title? My guess is no, lol. Blindly jumping into blogs again, are we?! I'll forgive you this... |
09 April 2013
Infinite Rabbits has finished a batch of brand new custom Dunnys and Labbits. This new round features an experimental 1.5" Mini-Labbit called... |
25 February 2013
Here are some amazing photos of Infinite Rabbits' latest commissioned custom figures. The photos directly above and... |