29 June 2010

It's been what, 2 years, since the prototype of Luke's second toy with Munky King was shown at SDCC and received overwhelming positive feedback. Well SDCC 2010 finally see the launch of the "...

26 March 2009
Cris Rose has come up trumps again with a lovely custom based on Luke Chueh's Mecha Sad Bear. With a nod to Luke's classic Possessed toy while still retaining...
28 July 2008

I shamelessly borrowed this pic off the Toybot Studios Flickr coverage of SDCC - prototype of Luke Chueh's new vinyl with Munky King, "Black in White". Given the popularity of his Possessed toy...

02 January 2008

Thought i'd kill two birds with one stone on this. First up sketches of a possible mecha style figure, potentially as part of the Wonderwall KFGU series...although how a robot is kaiju i'm unsure...

20 December 2007
Chueh fans are in for a treat...or a very poor 08...with confirmation the Vivisect playset Luke is curating will include 3, yes 3, Chueh figures. You have the regular (middle) and two...
26 July 2007

I was so excited when the original colourway of Posessed came out. The sculpt is beautiful and the devil really is in the detail! But this SDCC mono version? A mono devil and black...errr....goo,...

21 May 2007
Following on from Mazzle's Chueh post - I had a quick scan of eBay for prices.
Now i'm not going to go into all the rights and wrongs of selling a piece - I'm not sure...
18 May 2007

Damn the time difference between the states and here!!! So i really need this figure.. and in this colourway. I have already resigned myself to missing out :( which is a shame cause there arn't...

20 April 2009
15 September 2008
12 March 2008

Coming soon from Wonderwall/intheyellow is the next installment in the KFGU series, this time from Luke Chueh. The Sad Mecha Bear is a bit different for the KFGU series, being more of a robot but...


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