The ninth installment of Medicom's Vinyl Artist Gacha series is getting contributions from both Shoko Nakazawa and Konatsu! A gachapon-sized Daioh Negora will come in various fur coats while Baby...
09 November 2016
09 September 2016
Yup, just put me down for the whole set. Shoko Nakazawa just shared a close-up of the five new colorways of her Baby Byron figure for VAG Series 8. Super vibrant pink, yellow, blue, purple, and... |
30 August 2016
The Tokyo speakeasy streetwear boutique The Park-Ing Ginza will be releasing three super limited Be@rbrick figures next month. Virgil Abloh, Jun Takahashi, and Hiroshi Fujiwara - the... |
12 August 2016
Medicom have been making crossovers between Baby Milo and Star Wars for a few years now, but they're finally getting back to 100% BAPE. Starting today, you can... |
27 July 2016
Medicom are adding a new pair of figures to their high end Real Action Heroes line in the form of French electronic music duo Daft Punk. These ones are stylized after the band's costumes from... |
08 July 2016
OK, I need this. Medicom have opened up pre-orders for their tribute to 2001: A Space Odyssey. Both a 100% and a 400% are available, recreating the red space suit from Stanley Kubricks... |
01 June 2016
Sure, you could buy a generic case to display your 100% Be@rbricks in. Or you could take the branded approach with this giant, wall-mountable blister pack that celebrates the toy's 15th... |
12 May 2016
Well here's a classy Be@rbrick. You can't really beat gold on matte black. This guy is a bonus for purchasing a backpack collaboration between Tokyo's atmos and Brooklyn's Yak Pak, which... |
23 September 2016
Well, I now have $45 fewer dollars in my bank account. myplasticheart... |
06 September 2016
Medicom are organizing one of the largest Be@brick exhibitions ever, collaborating with 37 brands to curate an immense collection of figures. Taking place at the upscale Harbour City shopping mall... |
24 August 2016
I don't know if it's the addictions, the jaded view of show business, or what, but Krusty the Clown is probably the only clown I'm not terrified of. The meta TV sensation is getting his own 100%... |
04 August 2016
It may look like a blank Be@rbrick, but it's anything but. K.olin Tribu have a history of turning iconic vinyl toys into porcelain sculptures, with designs like Nathan Jurevicius' Bunniguru and... |
27 July 2016
One of the highlights from the recently released Be@rbrick Series 32 was Medicom's take on Elmo, one of the most popular characters from Sesame Street. Medicom must agree, because... |
27 June 2016
We're not getting any art toys this time, but Medicom and Brandalism are releasing a handful of homewares using some of Banksy's most famous images. A set of mugs feature all three of Brandalism's... |
23 May 2016
Medicom turns 20 years old in 2016. To celebrate, the brand is hosting an exhibition featuring the largest number of Medicom toys assembled in one place. The company's most notable product,... |
25 April 2016
Japanese clothing brand Neighborhood are teaming up with Medicom to release their latest 1000% Be@rbrick. This big bear sports the brand's skull and crossbones logo, typography, and a No 1... |
14 September 2016
OK, to be honest, I don't get the hype. Every year, Japanese fashion brand UNDERCOVER teams up with Medicom to produce a new variant of their GILAPPLE light. It's a small, realistic-looking apple... |
02 September 2016
Be@rbricks and cleanliness: two of my favorite things. Cleverin, a Japanese disinfectant and cleaning brand, has teamed up with Medicom to create what seem to be Be@rbrick-shaped bottles and a set... |
22 August 2016
OK, I need all five of these. The flagship entry of Medicom's VAG (Vinyl Artist Gacha) Series 8 is an air brushed version of Shoko Nakazawa's adorable Baby Byron! Gold, blue, green, pink, and... |
29 July 2016
Such shiny! Medicom are prepping three new R@bbrick colorways, all in chrome. Black and silver chrome 100% R@bbricks will be joined by a 400% blue chrome R@bbrick next month. I believe this will... |
15 July 2016
BAIT are |
17 June 2016
An occult artifice turned children's novelty, the snow globe is an underutilized medium of the art toy. Off the top of my head, the only one I can think of is from FriendsWithYou's collaboration... |
19 May 2016
Bad news: Cats don't love you. The furry jerks just like that you give them food. That's why sofubi cats are better than real cats. And these ones are pretty cute. Baketan have teamed up with... |
11 April 2016
Let me take you to school for a second. Before the mouse, there was the rabbit. Most people think of Mickey's appearance in Steamboat Willie as Walt Disney's first foray into... |