Portland based LOOK/SEE has released a series of limited edition LOOK/SEE x G.I. JOE sunglasses! Hasbro and LOOK/SEE timed the release of the sunglasses with...
29 March 2013
08 January 2013
Design company & toy lovers Syntetyk are trying to create and crowd source fund a documentary titled "An Artisan Designer Toy". The documentary would... |
23 July 2012
Being a firm fan of Batman it is easy for me to simply state that Superman sucks and the teaser trailer Man of Steel does nothing to change my opinion on the character or get me remotely excited... |
19 June 2012
If you are hoping for a blow by blow Nick style review then you will be disappointed. I'm not about spoilers and a movie synopsis. What I can tell you is that 'The Amazing Spiderman' is AWESOME,... |
11 April 2012
Ok the other film to be excited about this year (aside from the Avengers) is Ridley Scott's is it, or isn't it prequel to Alien: Prometheus. Right so i'm not exactly an Alien expert but... |
04 April 2012
Finally an excuse to post some Scarlett Johansson related news on the Clutter Blog. This latest teaser for The Avengers movie shows the Black Widow getting called in for a mission! Only a... |
02 April 2012
We featured the Total Recall teaser last week and this Sunday saw the full trailer released, and to be honest the film looks pretty goddamned awesome. When we all hear remake, we all get a... |
25 March 2012
The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema recently expanded, opening their Slaughter Lane location in Austin... |
06 March 2013
I love Black Milk clothing! They make THEE absolute best leggings for nerdy girls all over the world! Star Wars, Video Games, Graffiti, and fine art have all been immortalized in... |
29 November 2012
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale brings in PlayStation's most loved & iconic... |
29 June 2012
Holy crap this looks awesome! Everyone knows that the Wu-Tang Clan are massive fans of martial arts movies and RZA in particular is insanely knowledgable on the... |
30 April 2012
Right now the Avengers is out of the way the real excitement can build for Prometheus which comes out on June 1st. I will be doing my best to ditch work for a couple of hours to go see this just... |
11 April 2012
Loving me some Avengers. No doubt this movie will be the most teased and advertised in history, but thank god there is only one more month to get through before we can see it! Check out these 2... |
03 April 2012
I remember hearing that Seth McFarlane was making a feature film but had no idea what it was all gonna be about, so seeing this trailer for his new film Ted was an awesome suprise. For... |
28 March 2012
Ok so we all get our knickers in a twist over remakes these day. Hollywood seriously doesnt have any new ideas. New ideas are expensive and the movie execs don't like that kinda talk. So here we... |
16 August 2008
Grim reaper's been busy recently...Bernie Mac and now Mr Hayes. Had a bit of a sense of humour failure over South Park and was a Scientologist nut but... |
05 March 2013
Dragatomi's Swanicorn group show The Gathering is opening this Saturday and... |
05 September 2012
Brad McGinty creates incredible Monster Anatomy prints & shirts that I can't take my eyes off of. I'm fascinated by these prints because I have... |
20 June 2012
Check out the new teaser trailer for Pixar's latest (and hopefully greatest) movie Monsters University. I really hope this film is awesome as the characters of Mike and Sulley are some of... |
17 April 2012
I'm a real sucker at the moment for all the trailers and virals for Prometheus at the moment, trying to get my head round it all. It's obviously an Alien prequel of sorts yet Ridley Scott keeps on... |