In an alternate reality, Deadpool is a chibi manga character. Good Smile Company have just announced that he'll be joining Captain America and Iron Man as part of their collaboration with Marvel....
11 August 2016
26 July 2016
Good Smile Company brought some great stuff to Wonder Festival over the weekend. Over the past several years, the company has had a super successful run of collaborations with Nintendo, creating... |
03 June 2016
With Hideo Kojima exiled from Konami, it seems like the Metal Gear Solid series might finally be over, or at least destined to a future of licensed snacks, pachinko machines,... |
13 April 2016
Daw! Your Nendoroid Link can finally have a girlfriend. Good Smile Company have just revealed a Zelda figure based on The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. We saw a handful of prototypes... |
08 March 2016
If you missed out on picking up the Red Pokémon Trainer Nendoroid like I did, you're in luck - sort of. You can grab this reissued version, but you'll also be paying for the fully evolved versions... |