King Max by JPK
20 May 2016

JPK describes his latest custom as "What if Max had stayed?", Max being the main character from the classic Where the Wild Things Are. What if he never left the island of monsters...

PAW Custom by JPK
22 September 2015
It seems like it would be tough to make Coarse's Paw! toy more intimidating, but JPK pulls it off by adding plenty of tattoos to the rabbit's chest, arms, and back. The coolest part is that these...
30 August 2012

The exquisite production value of Coarse is being brought to Selim Varol's Toykio...

06 December 2010
On sale Wed (dec 8th) for just under $600 is this very very, VERY, shiny, life sized Paw. Made from high gloss fiberglass it stands at 27...
06 May 2010

Just when Coarsetoys fans thought they had a bit of time to save for a potential SDCC release, news comes of a new version of the well received False Friends set "Blackout". As the name suggests...

01 December 2009
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