Whether we knew it at the time or not, Might Morphin' Power Rangers, was most kids' introduction to the tokusatsu television genre pioneered by Japan. In each episode, the heroes...
15 August 2016
10 August 2016
It's not easy to find Mechatro WeGo figures in the US. The official store only has a few items for sale and anything at Big Bad Toy Store sells out quickly. So Western fans assumed they'd be out... |
01 June 2016
Cronus Magus shall return to Kickstarter! June will see the vinyl robot enemy of Eric Smith's Vulkira back on the crowdfunding platform, with the main colorway being a cool glow in the dark. A... |
12 February 2016
What do 5,000 LEGO pieces, 86 hours of work, and a love for giant robots get you? A giant LEGO robot, obviously. Builder Jason Corlett went all out preparing for the ABS plastic kaiju onslaught.... |
27 March 2014
My intro to Nick Knite came in the form of two very loveable monsters, Evil Icy and Tongue Toastie. These two creatures were a part of the awesome book, Papertoy Monsters... |
12 May 2012
As we had previously reported, UK artist Cris Rose has undertaken... |
05 July 2011
How often does the reality of something exceed our expectations? Not all that often, unfortunately. But thatâs not the case with a Kauzbot. In fact, even after you pull it from the box,... |
04 June 2009
11 August 2016
If I were a mecha pilot - not saying I'm not a mecha pilot, but if I were - I would be terrified to fight this robot. Titled "Bones" by SoKo Cat, the New Jersey artist... |
04 August 2016
Squink definitely knows how to tell a story with his customs. His latest work uses a 3A Bertie as its base and adds a rocky texture, centuries of weathering, and a coating of moss. With just one... |
31 May 2016
Something a lot of younger fans of Transformers don't realize is that the concept started in Japan simply as a toy series. Takara produced the first wave of figures, which drew... |
09 February 2016
The Japanese MechatroWeGo series has taken the Asian toy and customizing market by storm thanks to their robots' cool and cute design. 1000toys are ready to take their mechs... |
28 September 2012
Billy Nunez (aka Biz20) is an illustrator and graphic designer from Boston. His "Future Face" series of paintings reveals what is under the face of an... |
09 April 2012
As we had previously reported, UK artist Cris Rose has undertaken... |